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Closer to Love: How to Attract the Right Relationships and Deepen Your Connections

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However, what we don’t realize is that, the more we wish for people to love us, the more we tell our brains that WE ARE LONELY AND MISERABLE. We have trained ourselves to ignore our own souls and find someone in the external world to complete us.

I'm sure you'll discover that the person who is right for you is the one who loves you the way you are and doesn't ask you to change anything about yourself. Who wouldn't want that? At the same time, you are only the right person for them if you don't expect them to be someone else either. If you want your new partner to change, then you aren't with the person that you wanted to be with in the first place, and nor are they.

Closer to Love: How to Attract the Right Relationships and Deepen Your Connections

A headline speaker at Fearne Cotton’s Happy Place Festival this summer, Vex talks to metro.co.uk about love and happiness: What are the most common love problems that people struggle with? It involves understanding and accepting one’s own strengths and weaknesses, and being kind and compassionate to oneself. It is about taking the time to nurture oneself and recognizing one’s worth and value. The more self-awareness you have, the better you will be at putting yourself out there and going on to be a stable partner. Sometimes, one half of a couple may have found that inner balance while the other half has unresolved issues. That's OK, because one can help the other to grow if they are ready and willing to do so. Even if you have issues you are still grappling with, you can work through them with a partner and create a stronger bond if there is a supportive space in the relationship to do so.

Vex believes that the purest love, unconditional love is built on self-love. He has developed practises and skills to help him heal, build stronger connections and find peace and joy within his own relationships. Now he wants to share his wisdom to help guide readers on their own journeys. De multe ori, pare că pierdem orice dram de claritate în relațiile noastre. Reacționăm la factori declanșatori emoționali și chiar irităm intenționat persoana de lângă noi. Este ca și cum ne-am transforma într-un adolescent problematic, care are adesea crize. Dar acest comportament nu este intenționat. Pur și simplu nu ne gândim la ceea ce facem sau la răul pe care ni-l provocăm nouă și partenerului nostru procedând astfel. Modelele de comportament inconștient pot include șantaj emoțional, manipulare, inducere în eroare sau implicare în jocuri mentale chinuitoare pentru a demonstra ceva. Din acest motiv, vorbim foarte des despre mindfulness: conștientizându-ne defectele, vom găsi și soluții la problemele cu care cuplul se confruntă.


MORE : The Big Happiness Interview: Kim Morgan on why asking better questions will make you happier Yes, even though we may know we need to make the decision, it can be quite scary to walk away. There’s a psychological term. It’s called the ‘sunk cost fallacy’, where we’ve invested so much into something that we feel like we have to see it through. But you have to ask yourself – are you spending more moments unhappy in a relationship that isn’t working without facing the reality of what is going on? As tough as it is, sometimes we just have to face up to it and act on the decision that we need to make. How do we improve a relationship? terapia relațională imago, inițiată în mare parte de dr. Harville Hendrix, teoria spune că ne îndrăgostim de cineva care deține cheia trecutului nostru. Este și persoana care ne poate incita să creștem și să ne maturizăm. Deși ne naștem întregi și compleți, acumulăm experiențe de viață atât pozitive, cât și negative de la părinții sau îngrijitorii noștri și ne formăm o imagine a acestora, imago, în mintea noastră inconștientă. Căutăm apoi pe cineva care să corespundă acestei imagini în relațiile noastre romantice și ne dorim ca partenerul nostru să ne vindece de acele răni și cicatrici timpurii create de părinții noștri.” Closer to Love will empower you to cultivate mature, meaningful relationships, overcome fears, expectations and insecurities, develop clarity around who you really are and understand what kind of relationships you want to build.

The secret to transforming your approach to relationships is connection: connection with yourself and connection with your partner. To connect with yourself, you need to discover who you are deep down, from your needs and boundaries to your emotional scars and attachment style. Only when you connect and work on yourself will you be able to form genuine relationships. I have never been in a romantic relationship but have read a lot about romance and love in books. My friends who were/are in a relationship used to share with me how they feel and what kind of problems they face in a relationship. And after all of it, I believed that relationships are complex and a 24/7 job where you have to perform your best. However, Vex’s new book, Closer to Love; How to Attract The Right Relationships And Deepen Your Connections is here to help us build happier relationships that feel like magic. Some things to consider are: Are you both mutually committed to the relationship? If it is one sided and one person is overextending themselves to keep it alive, it’s unfair, and will create an imbalance. A relationship is about reciprocity.


An essential must read if you are seeking to elevate your relationships. This book can radically change your life for the better.' I have never read self-help before, but I am also a psychology student with extreme self-awareness due to my undiagnosed mental illness', so I think the two balance each other out. La început, dragostea este ca energia explosivă a unei rachete la lansare. Suntem alimentați de emoții puternice și suntem gata să ne înălțăm până la cer. Decolarea este, de obicei, spectaculoasă, energia fiind eliberată atât de explosiv, încât ne propulsează până sus în nori și dincolo de ei. Cine nu recunoaște și nu tânjește după aceste sentiment de sinergie totală cu o altă persoană?” When you don’t comply with your partner’s way of doing things, they show anger, stonewall or ghost you. This is an excellent book for those who want to build stronger and more positive relationships with others, not only in romantic relationships but in all of your interactions. Whether you’ve had bad experiences in life, are looking for ways to improve yourself and your relationships, or claim you’re ready for a relationship and want to start it off correctly. I enjoy the tales that are used to describe actual events, although occasionally the explanations felt overly wordy.

Maturitatea emoțională constă în a avea un dezacord fără a umili, a învinovăți, a insulta și a-ți proiecta traumele emoționale asupra altcuiva.” Closer to Love” is a helpful manual for forging enduring bonds. To aid in his healing, strengthen his relationships, and discover contentment and delight in his love partnership, Vex has created these techniques and abilities. He is currently imparting his knowledge and expertise to readers to help them on their travels. Developing a deep relationship with oneself is the first step. Journaling, spiritual, physical, and mental self-care, continuing hobbies and interests, and self-control are tools to help with this. Conflicts arise in every relationship; none are ever glamorous.In Closer to Love book, Vex King says that “the love you experience with others will be a direct reflection of the love you share with yourself.” Join bestselling author and coach Vex King and his wife Kaushal and discover how to create stronger relationships and deepen your connections.

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